Yesterday morning I saw a large/swollen looking & weird shaped bug under the porch, right by the pumpkin plant we were watering. Thanks to this recent piece by friend Ashley Lewis, I knew what I was looking at & snatched E up so fast he cried. It was certainly a black widow, possibly full of eggs, out in broad daylight! Not long ago a friend of ours (full grown woman mind you) was hospitalized for two days after a bite from one of these nasties. Needless to say, Mama went into fight-or-flight mode.
Wondering how many more might be lurking under cover (back outside sans babies, confirming a red hourglass on the abdomen), I called an exterminator. The nicest old gentleman came before lunch, took stock of the situation & put down several insecticides: powder under the porch, spray around the foundation, sticky traps indoors. We vacated for an hour while the crawl space was fogged. Upon returning home, the widow was belly-up & dead on the porch. Now I don't feel so hunted.
I am so glad you found this when you did!
Eek! I have found 3 in my garden lurking just beside the wood frame. Maybe I should get this old man's information from you!
make that 4...
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