Four years ago, as a new mama running out all of the gifted teas/soaps/lotions/powders, many aspects of natural, whole-body care felt elitist & pricey. The library & a YouTube video weren't enough to help me find raw, healing, plant-based ingredients that were affordable to DIY.
Herbs were once the medicine of the people. Their natural beauty & virtue have fallen out of common practice in the home, as it takes time, trial & error to learn. I would like to share some simple, natural solutions & resources to let you see if it works for your family. To the first 10 people who sign up, please enjoy the second...

Immune Defense: Herbs for inner strength
Learn & practice hands-on methods for making herb infused oils & medicinal tinctures to help protect against & recover from common winter infections. Starting with an overview of herb properties, we will examine different extraction methods while learning when they can be best applied. The remainder of the class will be devoted to preparing an essential oil vapor balm & honey cough syrup, ending with a Q&A session and talking the pros & cons of ordering herbs in bulk. Our structure is a lab rather than lecture, so please come ready to work with your hands & revolutionize your medicine cabinet while having lots of fun!
All materials will be provided. Each student will leave with 4 oz of carrier oils, a sample of vapor balm, my book lists & online resources... It's taken me 4 yrs to learn where to find the best ingredients at affordable prices & what works for ailing ears, throats & noses. I'm just sharing the love!
Date/Time: December 14, 2013 / 2-4pm
Location: RVA's southside (email for street address)
Cost: $35 (includes all materials)
Hope to see you there!
At this stage, we're using the Square marketplace to allow HerbShop participants to reserve their slot. For locals who want to pre-order gifts for pickup at the Holiday Handmade Fair, please order via Square & pickup on December 7, 2013 between 12-4pm at 400 W. 32nd St RVA 23225. Unopened/unused products may be exchanged with 14 days. Empty, used bottles & tins may be returned for a "refill" discount on the next item ordered.
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